Riceviamo da alcuni operatori turistici dell'isola la notizia di una truffa che sta circolando via e-mail sotto forma di una falsa richiesta di prenotazione a tutte le strutture ricettive gigliesi.

Si tratta in sostanza di una prenotazione di camere da parte di una fantomatica agenzia che richiede di rigirare loro un 15% di commissioni dopo aver prelevato il totale del soggiorno dalle carte di credito dei finti ospiti, carte di credito che solo in un secondo momento si riveleranno fasulle.

Di seguito il testo della mail-truffa che sta girando, il cui testo è in lingua inglese. 

"Name: agent yuliyanto
Email: agenty.yuliyanto@gmail.com
Phone: 089666938661
Country: indonesia

Favoured Flat: A
In:  01/12/2013
Out: 15/12/2013
Adults: 6, Children: 0, Infants: 0

Messagge: Hello Mister/Madame,

A long with this email, we want to make a booking rooms for 6 persons.
In the period of 01 to 15 December 2013 (14 nights).

For this booking, my client has promised to give the commission to my company at least "15%" of the total booking amount.
Because we are a small and new company and also we do not have the equipment for processing credit-card payments,
then my client will pay all to you for the total booking amount plus "15% as commission" with their Credit Cards in advance "Prior to their arrival".

So, under the agreement or consent of my client, we will make a booking with our procedures listed:

1). You have to charges their Credit Cards payment for the booking amount (+) "plus" 15% for the commission to my company. What the kind type of Credit Cards as you accepted?

2). When you have done to charges their Credit Cards, you have to transfer the 15% (gift from my client) to my company bank account "immediately".

We are really sorry that we will make a booking by this procedures ONLY!

So, if you have availability and you have agreed with our procedure, please send me your good offer for this group booking.
And if you disagree with our booking procedures, we can understand and we will looking for another hotel.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards from Yogyakarta,

Yuliyanto "Travel Agent"
Jl. P. Tentara Pelajar No.260,
Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia."